Campaign Promotion



Get $1 per image

1 month only

We pay $1 per image for up to 10 images
of our users and new members who join
this summer!

Join Now

We buy your images!

Why don’t you share your brilliant idea in pictures with people around the world? We pay for the right to use fabulous images that our curators want to highlight and publish on the website. We never buy the copyright.

We buy 10 images for $10 ($1 per image) from all the users who join us before the 31th of July, 2022.

All the images users sell to us will remain as free images on the website of Fotoboss.

You can upload some pictures on Fotoboss and sell them to us from ‘My Images’ page. Learn more about how to sell your images to Fotoboss inSelling Images Guide.

Earn extra cash right now!

Promotion Starts in:









Promotion Details

  • Promotion period : from June 3 (Fri) to July 31 (Sun) of 2022
  • Anyone who has joined us before July 31th, 2022 can sell 10 images for US$ 1 per image, only if a user sends us a request to sell their images from ‘My Images’ page of his/her account on Fotoboss website before August 7th, 2022 (Korea Standard Time).
  • Join us before July 31th, and sell 10 images before August 7th 2022.
  • You can find how the ‘Buy-out’ works in detail inAbout buy-out
  • Note: If our budget runs out fast, the promotion may end earlier than July 31th, 2022.
  • Note: All times and dates for this promotion are Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +09:00).
  • Note: The minimum amount for cash-out has been adjusted to US$ 10. Cash-out is available only through Paypal account.
  • Note: When you sell us over 10 images, we pay our set price (US$ 0.1) from the 11th sold image.